Loftly is launching in Summer 2024! Sign up for our waitlist here.

Room Type

Choose a sublet with one or multiple available beds.

Top Properties

Check our popular top-rated properties.

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How it Works

Loftly manages the entire process, from verification to contracts and payments.


Find a Property

Browse our listings until you discover a sublet that matches your preferences.


Book a Stay

If you’re interested, click “Request to Book” and await the host’s approval or rejection.


Sign the Contract

After lease verification, sign the sublease contract provided by Loftly to you and the host.


Pay on Loftly

Pay your rent upfront on Loftly; we hold it securely and pay the host monthly after you move in.

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Rent a Property

Browse our comprehensive listings
to discover your ideal sublet.

Become a Host

Maximize your lease’s potential
by subletting your property.

Sign In


Reset Password

Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.